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  • Writer's pictureMichelle Marchante

We live in a democracy: Our Votes Matter

Updated: Jun 21, 2018

Controversy is around every corner when it comes to the upcoming SGA elections and  Access FIU’s presidential candidate, Jose Sirven and his sudden ineligibility to run for president.

Michelle Marchante/Assistant Opinion Director

Controversy is around every corner when it comes to the upcoming SGA elections and  Access FIU’s presidential candidate, Jose Sirven and his sudden ineligibility to run for president.

According to a previous Student Media article, Juan Gilces, vice president of SGA explained that Sirven’s ineligibility came from the fact that he had to hold an SGA position for at least a year, as stated by the Constitution of the Student Government Association. Sirven argues that his position as president of the Residence Hall Association does count as an SGA position but the Supreme Court says otherwise.

The reason for Sirven’s ineligibility to run would have made sense if they had stated it from the very beginning of the election process, yet, according to a previous article published by Student Media, Sirven’s application to run for president was initially approved by the Elections Board.

So why has this confusion come about just two weeks before the elections? He’s either eligible to run or not.

To read the full column, please click here.

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