Michelle Marchante/Opinion Director
Internships are what open the door to career “heavens” for students and is something that can separate a student’s resume from all the others. Our university is completely aware of how important this task is and has made sure to provide multiple different resources students can use during their time here to ensure that they are capable of reeling in an internship by graduation.
According to U.S. news, a study conducted by the National Association of Colleges on the Class of 2014 found that an internship offered students a higher chance of getting a full-time job as a reported 80 percent of employers used internships as a way to recruit future employers.
This is why FIU’s Career Services is the first stop students should make when they begin their internship or job hunt as this department specializes in helping students write their resume, become familiar with the interview process and even provides students a search database called Panther JobLink. Panther JobLink is filled with different opportunities, ranging from internships to jobs in all fields of study, to help make the search easier for them.
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