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  • Writer's pictureMichelle Marchante

Creativity holds value in this Digital Age

Updated: Jun 22, 2018

Currently, if you look at the curriculum in any type of educational institution whether it be elementary, middle, high school, or even at the university level, you’ll notice that there has been a strong push towards STEM.
This column was published in FIU Student Media's The Beacon. Photo retrieved from Flickr.

Michelle Marchante/Asst. Opinion Director

One of the great things about attending a university is that even if you’re unsure of what you want to do with your life, you can take a variety of different courses to figure it out. By the same token, it’s not uncommon to find people opting to major in something that will financially secure them instead of majoring in something they enjoy.

Everyone is different and everyone’s reason for studying a major is theirs and theirs alone; but majoring in something that is deemed “safer” than a creative career, for example, should never be the reason one enters a major.

True, not everyone can paint like Leonardo Da Vinci, dance like Derek Hough, write like James Patterson or sing like Mariah Carey but while you can always improve your talent, it can’t be taught. This doesn’t just extend to creativity, it extends to virtually everything. This is why society’s way of telling us from an early age what careers we should have in order to be successful is so problematic.

To read the full column, please click here.


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