behind the media
“Behind the Media” is an Instagram series which breaks the "fourth wall" between the audience and the Fourth Estate by giving them a first-hand view of how production works for newspapers, radio and TV.
The series offers two viewing experiences:
Click the first photo at the top of the feed if you want to feel like you’re traveling from the past to the present to view print, radio and TV.
Click the photo at the bottom of the feed if you want to travel from the present to the past with TV, radio and print.
Sprinkled throughout the series are mini “vignette” interviews with student journalists to give insight into their work as they prepare to enter the career force.
“The power to mould the future of the Republic will be in the hands of the journalists of future generations,” —Joseph Pulitzer
Production is like solving a puzzle, according to Joshua Ceballos and Victor Jorges. To begin with, article hierarchy matters in a newspaper, said Ceballos, PantherNOW's news director. “The first stories that should go up are the ones I think that are of major importance like when it comes to an initiative that is going on or some kind of investigation that we’re doing into the school. Those should be first,” Ceballos said. Next, should be events that are coming up so students know when they can apply or go to these events and the last would be probably features.” Once the hierarchy is identified, production moves on to the next step: aesthetic accessibility. However, sometimes this process is harder than usual, like with the Student Government Association Elections spread Jorges worked on. The goal, he said, was to make sure the readers were not overwhelmed with the text-heavy content. “ I am very big on giving the eye direction through how we make the spread look so I think we definitely accomplished that,” Jorges said. “There was a lot of information on that page but it was never too much for the eyes.”